Friday, 22 May 2015

True Human Adoration

A great man died and people stopped to stare for a minute
They said how could such a thing happen to such a nice man as he, its so sad, init?

Meanwhile i heard the others sigh and think, now he's gone, who is going to fight for "We"
I am saddened because even in death, its still not about "HE"

You put out a register so people can pay their respect in words
No one signs, everyone says "i refuse to accept its truth"
MEANWHILE, All his family would see is an empty book thinking "maybe we were the only ones that loved him"... Is that the truth?

Amongst you who have shed tears
Said a few words in others ears
The words that stuck out are my fears
"Who has a free frame"?
"Who has a spare candle" ?
Was he not worth more than a free condolence bundle?

My faith in humanity seemingly can never be restored
When a man who was supposedly adored can be sooo unconsciously ignored

I wear a watch he gave me directly from his wrist
To honor his memory i swear i would fight with my fist
He was able to fight for you, why cant you fight for him?
Or is his memory suddenly all a dream?

I light this candle not because its something i can handle But because the legacy he left me, left us, was more than all this fumble

You may think now he's gone he's no more useful
No need for the eye-service, it wont be fruitful
God has seen all your hearts, its a dark art

When its your turn, i strongly pray you would be granted a glimpse of who you were too to these same people whose "adoration" is oo soo "ample"