Monday, 27 September 2010


Have you ever gone into a string of thoughts that led you down an endless tunnel of what if's, how comes, should n't it be, i thought it meant....?????????? Gosh, that has to be the worst form of self punishment ever.

Ofcourse, you never truly criticise your own intentions and motives because you already know what your thought process was and exactly what you meant when you said what you said. Thought overdoses mostly occur when we are trying to understand what someone else meant by saying what they said.

You read meanings into the little-lest of words and often turn to an amateur "Master Yoda" using your untrained jedi mind-tricks to re-enact someones thought processes. After alls been said and done, you end up with your very own low budget re-enactment movie on what someone could have meant or what they supposedly did mean by something they said..even if it was a simple "Thank You"...

Let me try to paint a clearer picture. Someone you care about says "Thanks". You then begin to criticise the phrase "Thanks". Was it a casual thanks? Was in an indifferent thanks? Was it an "i cant be a dick and not say anything so i'd just say something 'thanks' "?

Then someone else says "Thank You"....You begin think, how sweet, the person may really like it. "Thank You is more personalised than the above thanks"'d say.

Then one random body says "Ta very much"..and you could think...i guess the person has had to say Thank you so much today they've just decided to shorten it...

Worst yet, they say "Thanks"..and then add your name afterwards "Thanks Yemi"....Your mind starts telling you, it felt so corporate i think i had to be wearing a suit to have received it.

Bet you didnt know a simple "Thank You" could be broken down into soo many dimensions....Lol

Some of us think too much. We let our minds run am-mock and it pretty much makes us act the fool.

We know we cant fully understand the reasonings or meanings behind what somebody says but sometimes we are so caught up in our thoughts that we cant rationalise and separate what we want and what we got.
A "Thank You" is a "Thank You".................okay well maybe not, because then we'd have to get into the tone of voice used to say it and other facial expressions and body language signs.....:) back to square one arent i????? Maybe what i should just say is "Dont go looking for hidden meanings into things"... You really stand a very good chance of finding something..either real or in your own head....either ways, it ain't gonna be pretty :)

Words are usually just words. A combination of letters put together to make reference. Could mean alot, could mean very little. Whatever it means to you .... it means to YOU !!

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean? gosh! your thoughts just directs and produces an entire movie on the go!

    Watch out for the pauses, you thought you heard/
    Or the slow speed delivery when he said it
    or the "i want to see you again" that was never said but the "thank You" cld have meant.hahahahaha

    The Female Brain!tsk!
