Friday, 20 August 2010


I found an old diary entry from about 7 years ago where i was sooooo adamant that only greedy, selfish people fall into the trap of love triangles. i read it and nearly pissed myself laughing. it's strange how when you're younger, matters of the heart come in black and white and as you get older, it either becomes a grey area or a full blown rainbow..Lol..:)

i already laughed at myself so feel free to do the same. This was my logic:

"Do love triangles really exist? personally, i think people who get stuck in love triangles are just greedy.........they cant make up thier minds becuase they haven't accepted the fact that they can't have everything they want........

if two guys for exmaple, had the same characteristics, mannerisms, attitudes and dress sense, it would be a no brainer...............i would simply pick the one who is best at being Him.

But if they are both different and excel in their different spheres......i have to search deep within myself and determine what i actually want and need..whoever suits that cause best, is whom i should choose right?

But people get to lazy and prefer to lie to themselves than to face the reality of knowing that what they need is totally differnt form what they want!..."

i negelcted one very simple and foundation shattering fact...NO HUMAN BEING IS A BOX..People are allowed to have more than four sides to them. If i have 8 sides and you've got 8 sides, some other lad has another 10 sides....thats alot of sides to be choosing from. Throw in a few more variables such as those individual qualities that make each of us unique, experiences that have shaped or deformed us, characteristics that we've developed dealing with the numerous people we've had to deal with in our lives, environments we've grown up in, luxuries or necessities we've been forced to do without, .............etc.

All of the above shape the who we become, What we see, how we see it, the way we react to it and how much we learn from or through it! It's impossible to weigh two individuals because i guess truly, even if they pass through the same tunnels, experiences and reactions are going to differ.

Does that mean love triangles dont exist?>>>THEY SURE DO. But not in the way i had once imagined.

Sometimes you appreciate a little something in someone who is totally different from you or different from what you would have chosen. You are drawn in by a certain characteristic that you long to possess (or admire knowing you wouldnt have what it takes to carry it).

I guess really, if people were all the same spec then it would be easier to just select the updated model. i wish matters of the heart were that simple! ..sigh :(

i think the only time love triangles really do exist is when you're torn between two worlds. Different people, different things to offer, different experiences, different emotions being evoked. That's really what gets you torn. The fact that you've got different delicacies infront of you but you can only sample one lest you risk sending mixed signals to your taste buds and end up not enjoying either of the two.

In the end,  think i still have the same end note. And that is, it simply boils down to choice. Doing a balancing act between What we need over what we want

.Shiny objects always catch your attention but you still gotta ask yourself : can i afford it? Do i have what it takes to maintain it? would i get hurt by it? if its delicate, am i the right person to care for it?

Ulitmately, in case you missed it, the main point of this note is simply....I DON DEY OLD......matters are starting to get a lil grey with glimpses of rainbow, and if you understand anything you've read above, you're no tad pole yourselft....:p :)

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